If your morning routine is anything like ours, the alarm clock goes off, you scroll through your phone for a bit, and then make a pot of coffee. The smell of freshly ground coffee beans begins to wake you up even before taking your first sip. Do you know the most important part of your coffee routine? You might think it’s the coffee maker, or the type of bean you use, maybe even how fine you ground the coffee beans, but all of these guesses would be wrong.
The most important part of your morning cup of coffee is the water you use.
Why Does The Water Matter?
Why is the water so important? Great question, and to answer, there are a few different reasons.
Water Impacts the Flavor
If you’re using unfiltered, unsoftened water to make your coffee, then your cup of joe could taste more bitter or metallic than it should. The additional minerals found in hard water alter the flavor and will leave you longing for that $7 latte from down the street.
Water Can Ruin Your Coffee Maker
Using hard water to make your coffee, can not only ruin the perfect cup, but it can also ruin your coffee maker as well. You’re likely familiar with hard water spots on your glass shower doors, or limescale buildup on your showerheads and sink faucets. All of that is happening within your coffee maker too. To avoid limescale buildup in your machine you can rinse it with vinegar, but who has the time to do that after every pot of coffee?
To eliminate this problem completely, we recommend installing a water conditioning and softening system in your home. This will improve so much more than just your morning coffee. It will also eliminate dry hair and skin, faded laundry, ruined plumbing fixtures, and more!
For more information about your water solutions, contact our team of experts at Seiter Services. Either visit our website or give us a call at (937) 507-3372 for more information!